Saturday 23 February 2008

Shaykh Michael Mumisa Brief Outlline

Shaykh Michael Mumisa is a highly respected Muslim academic, Theologian, and Islamic scholar. He first completed four years of full-time residential training in Arabic and Islamic studies at Iqra Darul Ilm Academy before joining one of Africa’s foremost residential Islamic universities and seminaries where he graduated with distinction and was awarded the‘Alimiyya (Al-Azhar University graduate degree equivalent) in Islamic classics and classical Arabic Literature after six years of full-time training. He then joined the Department of Semitic Languages at the
Randse Afrikaanse Universiteit and graduated with a BA Honours degree cum laude (with distinction/ Upper First Class Honours). He briefly taught Classical and Modern Arabic Literature and Islamic Studies in the Department of Semitic Languages at the same university before going on to join the University of Birmingham where he completed his MPhil research degree specialising in “Law, Hermeneutics and Social Change in Muslim Legal Theory: With Special Reference to the text al-Muwafaqat by Abu Ishaq al-Shatibi (d. 1388).” He is currently doing his PhD research (full- time) specialising in Literature and Literary Theory at the Universityof Cambridge (Trinity Hall) as a Special Livingstone Scholar. He has also been lecturer at the Institute of Continuing Education of the University of Cambridge , the Centre for the Study of Muslim-Jewish Relations in Cambridge , visiting lecturer at the University of
Birmingham , Newman University College , and has taught Philosophy and Theology to MA students at the Markfield Institute of Higher Education in Leicestershire. He is author of a number of studies including Islamic Law: Theory & Interpretation (2002) and
Introducing Arabic Grammar (2003).

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