Sunday 8 March 2009

CEI Monthly Saturday Outreach Programme

CEI Monthly Saturday Outreach Programme organised by the Crawley Educational Institute (CEI) at Friends House, Euston. Visit for further details.

The first of these monthly sessions was held at the Education - Lecture theatre at Friends House on 7th Feb 2009. The Session lasted for 2hours and must have had over 600 people. Well given that these are gratuity events, the numbers were very high.

Feb Lectures:
-Glad Tidings of A Prophet - Shaykh Ibrahim Osi-Efa (Liverpool)
-The Covenant of the Prophets -Habib Ali al-Jifri (Tarim, Yemen)

CEI and myself was blessed to have Habib Ali al-Jifri, a direct descendant of the Prophet Muhammad (on Him be Blessings and Peace), to open this monthly Seerah Course, which will be taught by Shaykh Ibrahim Osi-Efa and various guest lecturers over the coming year.As much as it may at first be difficult to understand Shaykh Irahim Osi-Efa, you cannot say he is not emotionless!

March Lectures:
This is the 2nd lecture of the Seerah Course, which will be taught by Shaykh Ibrahim Osi-Efa and various guest lecturers over the coming year.

-The Early Years: The Nurturers -Shaykh Ibrahim Osi-Efa (Liverpool)
-The Preparation of a Prophet: Lessons for a Prophetic Community - Shaykh Jihad Brown (USA)

CEI was blessed to host Shaykh Jihad Hashim Brown for the monthly Seerah Course at Friends House. Shaykh Jihad is the deputy director of the Tabah Foundation (link below) which was founded by Habib Ali al-Jifri., they have successfully brought together a council of eminent scholars including Abdullah bin Bayyah, Ramadan al-Bouti and Habib Umar bin Hafidh to tackle international and global Muslim issues whilst reconnecting such 'Ulama with the Muslim community.

Shaykh Jihad, having studied and taught Islam in Damascus and Tarim, will bring much knowledge and blessing to this Seerah Course, insha'Allah.

The idea is that regular attendees (Insha’Allah I am one of these) will be able to complete a biographical study on the life of the Prophet Muhammad (on Him be Blessings and Peace) by way of two lectures, each lasting approximately 50 minutes. Light refreshments and an opportunity for informal questions and discussion will follow the lectures.

The beautiful thing about the course, is that the idea is to provide access to knowledge to a wider audience but also for a humanitarian cause to provide free hot food for homeless people too during the night, so it is important that those who are in need are invited to this event and donations are therefore most welcomed.

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