Tuesday 4 May 2010

Remembrance of Death, the Destroyer of Pleasures

Remembrance of Death, the Destroyer of Pleasures

What is Said about "Relieved and being Relived from"

Chapter 16, no. 466:
Abu Qataadah bin Rab'ee, radhi Allaahu anhu, narrated: A funeral procession passed by the Messenger of Allaah, sall'Allaahu alaihi wa salaam, he said, "Relieved or being relieved from."
The peopld asked, "O Messenger of Allaah! What is relieved and what is relieved from?"
He said, "A believer is relieved (by death) from the hardships of the world (and leaves for the Mercy of Allaah) while a wicked person's death relieves the people, the land, the trees, (and) the animals from him."

Chapter 40, no. 490
When a person dies, his place in Jannah (Paradise) or Hell is shown to him in evening and in morning:
Ibn "Umar, radhi Allaahu anhumma, narrated that the Messenger of Allaah, sall'Allaahu alaihi wa salaam, said: "When one of you dies, his place is shown to him in the morning and in the evening. If he belongs to the people of Jannah, he is shown his place in it; and if he belongs to the people of the Hell-Fire, he is shown his place therein. It will be said to him: "This is your place until Allaah raises you on the Day of Resurrection.'"

Chapter 41, no 491
The Questioning of the Two Angels in the Grave
Anas bin Maalik, radhi Allaahu anhu, narrated that the Prophet, sall'Allaahu alaihi wa salaam, said: "When the slave is laid in his grave and his people return, he hears their footsteps." He said: "Two angels come to him and make his sit and ask: 'What did you use to say about this man (ie, Muhammad, sall'Allaahu alaihi wa salaam)?' The believer will say: 'I testify that he is the slave of Allaah and HIs Messenger.' Then they will say to himL 'Look at your place in the Hell-Fire; Allaah has replaced it for you with a place in Jannah instead of it.'" The Prophet of Allaah, sall'Allaahu alaihi wa salaam, said: "So he will see both of his places."

Chapter 43, no 493
Seeking Refuge from the Torment in the Grave
Zaid bin Thaabit, radhi Allaahu anhu, narrated: While the Prophet, sall'Allaahu alaihi wa salaam, was with us in an orchard belonging to Banau Najjaar, riding a mule, it made a sideways shift and almost dropped him down, and there were six, five, or four graves. He said: "Who knows the people of these graves?" A man said: "I do." He, sall'Allaahu alaihi wa salaam, said: "When did they die?" He said: They died as polytheists." He said: "These people are tested in the graves. Were you not to stop burying your dead in the graves, I would ask Allaah to make you hear the lament of the graves which I hear."

Then he turned towards us and said: "We seek refuge with Allaah from the torment of Hell." They said :"We seek refuge with Allaah from the torment of Hell."
He said: "Seek refuge with Allaah from the torment of the grave." They said: "We seek refuge with Allaah from the torment of the grave."
He said: "Seek refuge iwth Allaah from al-Fitan (trial, turomoil, etc.), visible and invisible." And they said: "We seek refuge with Allaah from al-Fitan, visible and invisible."
And he said,: "Seek refuge with Allaah from the al-Fitan of Ad Dajjal.". And they said, "We seek refuge from Allaah from the fitan of Ad-Dajjal."

Chapter 45, no 495
Visiting Graves and Asking for Forgiveness for Them
Abu Hurairah, radhi Allaahu anhu, narrated that the Prophet, sall'Allaahu alaihi wa salaam, visited the grave of his mother and he wept, and made others around him weep, and said: "I sought permission from my Rabb to ask forgiveness for her but it was not granted to me, and sought permission to visit her grave and it was granted to me. So visit the graves, for that makes you remember death."

Sahih Muslim

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