Monday 2 January 2012

19th Dhul Hijjah 1432 (Tuesday 15th November 2011)

The day of packing, this was the item on the menu for all of Al Muntada Hajjis. There was luggage all around the 3rd floor, where we resided.

All the couples were doing all what they can to fit all what they have purchased into their luggage bags. I must say I was not too fussed as with an allocation of 30kgs it would be difficult to go much over this and we had a taste of this from our travels to the Far East earlier in the year and this was with 23kg each.

In the evening after Esha and tawwaf at the Harem on the roof once more, Akluma and I went to see her mother and her dulabhai for the last time in Saudi. We managed to see her mother as dulabhai appeared to be awol. Nevertheless it was sad saying goodbye.

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